Quick Straight Teeth

Crooked teeth affect your smile and can make it difficult to maintain proper oral health. We believe that healthy teeth should be a priority, so we offer the Quick Straight Teeth orthodontic system at Apex Dental Care. It falls under our range of cosmetic dentistry treatments and addresses mild cases of crowding or misalignment in the front teeth. The treatment can take between 1 and 6 months, depending on how many teeth need aligning and the complexity of the case. To know if you’re a good fit for Quick Straight Teeth treatment in London, you will need to schedule a consultation with one of our dental experts. Our team has some of the best local dentists with 20 years of experience providing dental and orthodontic care. It’s how we ensure patient satisfaction and long-lasting results.

Experienced Dentists To Help You Get Quick Straight Teeth

Invisalign treatment in the UK requires more than one appointment with your local dentist. Patients at Apex Dental Care consult with one of our dental experts first. During the consultation, your dentist will discuss the current positioning of your teeth, which teeth require aligning, and the results.

  • At the first appointment, you provide an impression of your teeth. We use the information from the impression to design customised clear aligners. The first visit, which takes a little over an hour, is the longest.

  • You receive a series of Invisalign aligners at the second appointment. Each set has to be worn for two weeks for 20 to 22 hours a day.

  • You may need to visit your dentist occasionally to review your progress and assess whether any changes are needed.

The type of Invisalign treatment UK will vary based on how much aligning your teeth need. The common types include:

  • Invisalign Comprehensive for crowded teeth, gaps, and other issues

  • Invisalign Lite, which is suitable for cases involving slightly crooked teeth and mild crowding

  • Invisalign Express, which is preferable for minimal crowding and spacing

At Apex Dental Care, our Invisalign plans require patients to wear their aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day. But since each case is unique, the overall treatment period can vary.Apex Dental Care is a licensed provider of Quick Straight Teeth in London. This system of Short Form Orthodontics offers two main solutions – clear braces and clear aligners – as a discreet way to straighten the front teeth. Quick Straight Teeth is developed to treat alignment issues in the front 6 to 8 teeth. Therefore, our dentists recommend this option for patients with mild spacing or crowding issues in the front teeth. Patients will need to schedule a consultation with one of our expert dentists before receiving treatment. At Apex Dental Care, the process for getting Quick Straight Teeth is as follows:

  • During the initial consultation, your dentist will perform a full case assessment of your teeth. This includes taking impressions, photographs, X-rays (if needed), and assessing your bite. The examination allows them to determine if your case will require removable or fixed braces. The report on your assessment is submitted to the Quick Straight Teeth laboratory, where technicians will design customised braces.

  • In the second appointment, your dentist will fit your braces or aligners and advise you on how to take care of them.

  • Your dentist will schedule checkups to adjust the braces and evaluate your progress.

The initial consultation can take over an hour, but later checkups will take less time. Although Quick Straight Teeth treatments are designed to offer results sooner, each case is unique. Therefore, the timeline for your treatment can vary.

Why You Should Get Quick Straight Teeth Treatment?

There are many reasons Quick Straight Teeth is a preferable option compared to traditional orthodontics:

  • It takes less time than traditional metal braces

  • The braces and aligners are tooth-coloured, making them less visible

  • Causes minimal pressure to prevent discomfort

  • It straightens the teeth, making them easier to clean

  • Straightens the front teeth for a visible difference

And finally, it gives you a fantastic smile! If you’re interested in Quick Straight Teeth London, give us a call to schedule an appointment with one of our Apex Dental Care experts.